Open Family Australia
Open Family Australia
For more than 30 years, Open Family Australia has been providing a range of outreach services to young people aged between 12 and 25 with highly complex needs who are disengaged from society. Open Family outreach workers go to where young people are β such as railway stations, shopping centres, rooming houses and squats.
They engage with young people to link them to services which can help them connect back into a supportive environment and a healthy community. This could include crisis support and services such as housing, health, drug and alcohol programs, family counselling, legal services, re-engagement back into school, and assisting young people to find work.
A note from Open Family Australia (Charity Partner for 2011 and 2012)
βThe funds received from FICAP in March 2011 allowed Open Family Australia to continue and strengthen our Sydney Outreach programs β so thank you.
As a result, we were able to work with 232 young people on an intensive case management basis in the Sydney area. We have been able to re-engage many with their communities through ensuring their basic needs are met, such as food and housing, and working with them to gain education or employment.
The funds raised also assisted with our Chatterbox and NOSH programs where we were able to make 2,515 casual contacts with young people.β